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Muscle Mass and maintaining our Metabolism

The more muscle we have, the faster our metabolic rate, as muscle burns calories even when we are at rest.

As we age muscle mass reduces. After the age of 40 it reduces by 8% a decade. The result is that our basic energy expenditure decreases by approximately 150 calories daily per decade. Consequently as we get older we need to eat less to stay at the same weight. Regular exercise will help counteract this. Lifting weights and body weight exercises such as squats, lunges and push ups will help maintain and build up our muscle mass and protect our bones.

Use it or lose it!

Our Immune System

70% of our immune system is located in our gut. ‘Our immune system in the gut does more work in one day than the rest of the immune system does in its whole lifetime.' (iFM immune conference 2011)

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